Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The First Letter to Sumo

It is late night and I am still wondering what is up with you miles away. I try to keep these thoughts away, however it lingers here in my mind. I just could feel your existence near me even though we are far apart.

I put these puzzles of our past together. Few of these puzzles are missing and yet it is purely beautiful. Remember Googoo your brother, whom we missed dearly for the past months. He is the missing pages of our memoir and yet we are all so perfectly fit into a family that we never thought it would be. It is unscripted, it is incredible and it is so great that our time together seems to be for eternity.

Days ago, our beautiful written memoir come to an abrupt halt. It is so incredible with your eagerness; my insensitivity and the bloody celestial luck put us single handedly apart. I just cannot believe with just one strive, your create chaos that you never thought of. It is not your fault; it will never be your fault. I just can not put any blame in you. You are just a baby who is looking for some excitement on that rainy day.

Hours ago, I break in tears when I about to leave you. Even though this will be temporary, I find my weak soul cannot bear the pain to see you left without me. I just cannot think about the nights you will be without me. I remember those goodnight licks you always give me before you fall asleep. I remember those routine morning calls you gave me just in time for my morning groom. I remember those sardine cans I opened for your breakfast. Exactly the smell of that sardine you always love. Those gallons of water I left in the pail for you every morning. The way you bite and try to stop me from going to work even though you initiate it earlier. You understand the reason why I am out everyday better than those kids whom I know.

The way you bark and gestures as you wish me a safe journey and a fruitful day. I too wish you a good day at home. I know it would be a boring whole day alone. You can trash everything at home and enjoy the fun of being a rebel and I still love you. Your pee-pee and your poo-poo is a headache but I still laugh although I cannot bear it. I am sorry for those swear and curse on it but it is really bad. You trash those newspapers, shoes and everything you can find. You are a natural born anarchist. How can I blame a dear soul like you?

You wait in eagerness for me to come home. Probably most time I get it wrong but somehow I make it right for you. You just love those foods I bought you. I simply never get to know the real name of that fish and here I am; thinking and yearning for you. Those grilled stingray and chicken wing are your favorite. As I walk past through those stalls where I usually get you those stuff, the aroma awaken me and remind me that you are not with me here again. The moment I passed that Indian grocery shop, I remember you and your favorite sardine. Who else will buy those cans of sardine if not me? Chocolate cookies and full cream milk is always something you craze for. You also indulge in good fruits.

You just can stand still when I am home with you. You just know how to make my hectic days seem so cheerful. You are so rebellious and yet you are an angel in my heart. You can be a dirty corny boy! The way you hump is an eyesore and yet I still love you. The way you gnaw my hand and legs make you look worse than a beggar and yet you enrich my days. The way you look at me like a pity old chump is nothing close to a little devil ready for a carnage spree. I will never forget the way you fart and burp after those satisfying meals, which put you in a class of chauvinist male. You are a little liar who pulls a lot of sneaky tricks and pranks on me. You are a supreme soul by your own class. You are smart and you outgrown others.

Regardless of anything I can think of now, you really make my day by being at my side. Now, I just have to bear with these moments where you will be far away from me. All I can do now is to pray that we both be strong in this turbulence moment. I failed you and I apologize for that. If not for that pigeonhole where we used to stay, we will never be like this. I pray that somehow if you could spare me more time to make perfect our dream haven, I will make sure we can be together again. Please dear; do not cry over our distance. You will always here in my heart and I always think of you too.

Thanks for what you have done for me.
Thank you for those morning calls.
Thanks for those barking to remind our crazy neighbors from waking us up.
Thanks for taking care of our home.
Thanks for staying all night when it is about to flood.
Thanks for believing and waiting for us everyday.
Thanks for being a good friend and loyal listener.
Thanks for those times you have spent to make my day.
Thanks for ensuring our safety in every journey.
Thanks for fulfilling some of our wishes.
Thanks for listening to most of the things I have said and shared

Lastly thanks for being understanding this temporary separation is unavoidable.

I will come and sway you back home with me if condition permits. I love you, Sumo!

Remarks : Fuck you residents of Caller Road ,Putatan, KK. You are merely selfish fuckface who do not understand what Love is about. I hope you are all happy now. I hope that someday you find my current situation is your household agenda. May God send you thunder and plagues to wipe off you bloody immersion fools.

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