Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Arsenal and why supporting Arsenal FC?

Arsenal displayed another stunning performance in Europe with some of the younger string of players. No expensive players but lots of stars in the making with an average of 22 years old players take center stage of Europe most prestigious football match.

I must say that Arsene Wenger is an inspiration as he is a manager with great qualities. With limited fund at most time, he found the best in each individuals. I have been a great Arsenal fan since I am eleven. Almost twenty years down the line, Arsene Wenger is the best so far. George Graham did managed the team well but Arsene Wenger is in a different league. Tell me how many manager with limited fund able to put a good team like he does?

Football in the international scene is no small matter. Everything is about money and the income of the club as they go and achieve the best they can. Arsenal is a team who did some record breaking results. Remember that legendary 49 undefeated matches? But that is nothing compare to the thrill you get every weekend for the wonderful football. Yes, the wonderful football and the entertainment they gave; by pass all the expectation. Arsenal fan understand that and they always cheer up for the wonderful display of football techniques and the openness to create attacking moves. Unlike most football clubs who played for result. That is surely a boring, boring, boring football.

Youth is Wenger's fetish. With his scout, they have scoured Europe for the best they can find. Fueled with spirits and energy, they find themselves at most time unexpectedly at the front line. Compare to other club who love to buy old cocks for their squad, Arsenal is a club who work, manage and earn their income from their dedication. It is wonderful to see young low profile footballer bloom under Wenger's flagship.

Individually, I admired Wenger not only for the football he have to offer but also the management techniques he practice. Among them are:-

A. Believe in dedicated human resource development
B. Individual ties strengthen the team
C. A management core is not about the fund, it is about being smart building a team
D. Good management makes money by buying low and selling high
E. Scouting for your cheap good, not substandard but as an alternative.
F. It is not about the glamor but the service offered
G. Have fun as you work but with a standard of disciplines set.

I have tried some of these at work and in life.

It works perfectly. You can too.

For Item A, I did it by mentoring a tea lady to be a Document Controller who work and performed well in a short span of time. We achieved ISO 9001:2000 accreditation in just seven months. I also experimented with individual ties as it is the essence of a team work. Listen to their problem and help them out. The problem actually hinders them from performing well. Item B is a complimentary essence from Item A.

Item C is another thing that I have been practicing throughout my career. I basically reduce the cost of office expenditure with a few steps and techniques. By utilizing and exploiting the internet as a facility to reduce conventional tool reliance and less time consuming. The crew and staffs work diligently with information are made available at real-time speed. This will ease updates of information and orders compare to snail mails and unnecessary phone calls and fax as well. Currently, I am still building up a portal for my project communication.

I hardly gets the chance to practice Item D but so far one particular purchase will surely described this perfectly. I bought my house for RM125,300 after surveying it for a month. I give a deep thought and financial analysis prior to the purchase. Three weeks after the transaction, my broker told me the price of my purchase increased dramatically to RM161k++. The newspaper advertised the sales at this price. That is the market selling price and maybe I could sell it at a forced selling price of RM155k if I am broke (that would not be likely). This is good enough to cover my bank interest and the uncertainty of the BLR rate. I assume that my particular unit will be price higher since it has a spectacular view of surrounding nature. Needless to say some of the renovation and upgrading works done.

Previous trip back home, I intended to furnish my home. Instead of getting into all the mess of interest from purchasing furnitures at Chan Furniture and Courts Mammoth, I survey the necessities and by only being nice to the sales person at these places, I found the best deal in my life. I purchase a few coffee table which actually heftily priced close to a thousand Ringgit for only RM50 a piece. The only defect is either a broken door or scratched side surface. I can have these fixed by my friend, a Filipino craftsman for only RM60 a day. That is surely something I picked up at Item E.

Something like this. Leather coffee table with leather stitches

My websites are truly made of Item F. These websites are less fancy compare to some other websites which are heavily flashed. I emphasize the services it could offer. Visit my websites and you can see the services I have to offer.

Lastly, I have been working professionally. I enjoy my career as an Engineer from Site Engineer to Assistant Technical Director and now as a Resident Engineer. I was offered in several occasions to be the MD for the company but I declined due to the calculated risk. I was the Regional Manager for AAC Air (a subsidiary) for Asia Pacific region as well. I was flown up with the potential buyers regularly when I dealt with aircraft buyers. It was an Eagle 150B. At site I have the chance to sail and work on boats and some other big machines. I have fun with all the tools and machineries. I also used to a lot of gadgets. I own the first O2 XDA around Kuching. I used to carry it around 2003 and 2004. Basically, the computer supplier asked me about that gadget's operation frequently. I see it as a reward for all the smart works and being decisive in all of my company's dealing. This is Item G definitely.

That is the aircraft, 9M-ACA

On the recently purchased boat and soon to be crew boat

Many of my top management and top flight friends who are MD, CEO, COO and even Chairman enjoy and support Arsenal. They did stress one thing for sure that is "low cost and yet very effective, not to forget; it is entertaining to see the effective processes end up with a good result".

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